Ship-to-Shore Data Communication

October 3, 2022

Joint development of Dualog Drive with Dualog, Norway

Growth of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has led constant Internet connections for ships to spread, and technological development related to onshore monitoring of ship operational data and big data analysis utilizing ship IoT continues to grow worldwide. The NYK Group, centered on MTI, has been promoting technological development in this field by taking advantage of the on-site user’s perspective. In the development of the ship-to-shore communication platform, MTI has been supporting the development of Dualog Drive, which enables secure and efficient file sharing and transfer between ships and shore over the partnership with Dualog, a company with unique and advanced technological capabilities. Dualog Drive is deploying to the operating ships together with SIMS3, a next-generation ship IoT server.

Press Release on collaboration with Dualog

Press release on May 31, 2017: “NYK and Dualog Enters into Strategic Partnership for Joint Innovation”

Press release on November 21, 2019: “Joint Project to Develop Cyber-risk Management System with Dualog Receives Support of Norwegian Government Fund”

International standardization initiatives

MTI has contributed to the formulation of the ISO 19847/19848 that defines the functional requirements for onboard IoT data servers, aiming to prevent ship accidents by utilizing IoT data related to ship operations and to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through efficient ship operations. For ship-to-shore communications to share various types of data collected by onboard IoT data servers with shore-side systems, MTI developed a draft of ISO23807, utilizing the knowledge gained through the development of the core ship-to-shore communication platforms, and have been working toward the international standardization with domestic stakeholders, including the Japan Ship Technology Research Association (JSTRA), as well as Dualog, Norway.

ISO 23807 is not for a protocol or performance requirement for communication equipment, but rather the general requirements for improving the accuracy, safety, and stability of data sharing between ships and shore, and MTI has been providing technical support and contributing this effort toward the establishment of an international standard in March 2023.

(Writer: Kenji Tsukada)


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